Here at Carroll County Housing Authority we currently have over 125 fabulous residents, and we would love to get to know each one of you a little better. Thus, we would like to begin a Resident Recognition Spotlight article for our monthly newsletter.
Everyone (including our Carroll Apartments kiddos) has a story, and we want to hear more about yours. For some of our residents, they may only know their fellow residents in passing. For others, they may already have formed a long-lasting friendship. Either way, wouldn’t it be wonderful to put a name to a face, or to learn a few new interesting facts of their life? How fun!
The spotlight article would be a wonderful tool for both CCHA residents and staff to connect. We would like to feature cool interesting stories, or just fun facts of our resident’s lives. They could include your family, hobbies, favorite memory, goals in life…..the possibilities are endless.
If you are interested in participating, please contact the CCHA office at 815-273-7081 for more details. We would love to hear from you, and feature you in one of our upcoming newsletters!